Drobo Help

18 Jul 2007
England, Berkshire
Hey, I have 3 hard drives 2 x 250gb and a 500gb, these all have data on them and have never been in a drobo. I plan on buying 3 1tb drives in which i want to transfer the data onto them. I have no idea what the best method is, i also have a usb external that i want to move the data to the drobo from.

anyone have this working with apple tv also?

Im posting in here as i have a macbook pro.
I use the DroboPro rather then a regular drobo, but is attached via FW800 to my mac mini

This is how I would do it.

Buy 1Tb Drives
Take Drobo and insert 1Tb Drives into the Drobo
Connect Drobo to MBPro
Do the necessary to get the Drobo up and running

Attach USB Drives one at a time to the MBPro and transfer files to Drobo 1Tb systems.

Do not insert existing drives into the Drobo as wipes the drives upon first insertion. (at least the Pro does)

I just stream via iTunes to my AppleTV from the mac mini so no idea if can attach drobo to the AppleTV as a USB drive.
When you first get a Drobo any drives you put in it will be formatted so don't put the old drives in it.

Here's what I'd do:

Get Drobo and stuff it full of the new drives. Format Drobo.
Place current drives in external USB SATA enclosure (only need one and costs a few quid) and connect to MacBook Pro. Copy to Drobo (also connected to MBP preferably via FireWire) repeat for each drive and make a lot of coffee as this may take some time.
Once they are all done connect USB External drive and repeat the above.

All you data is now on the Drobo. Go relax.
Well its all ordered now, drobo and a network attachment and 3 x 1Tb drives from western digital. Cant wait to finally have a decent backup plan in place.

Next question is time machine, how easy is it to setup? i have to download some app for the drobo? Whats the best way to go about doing it.
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