Not ventured in here for a bit, especially with some pictures. So I thought why not make my own thread with my photos. I have yet to decide what route to take regarding my hobby but I am liking portraits since I got my f1.8 prime for my D3300.
Anyway here a few taken recently.
harryportraitWEB by chris sharples, on Flickr
louis by chris sharples, on Flickr
harrynewglass by chris sharples, on Flickr
bobjacob by chris sharples, on Flickr
happy by chris sharples, on Flickr
Anyway here a few taken recently.
harryportraitWEB by chris sharples, on Flickr
louis by chris sharples, on Flickr
harrynewglass by chris sharples, on Flickr
bobjacob by chris sharples, on Flickr
happy by chris sharples, on Flickr