Dropped iphone, then run over, burst into flames

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23 Oct 2004
South, England
I dropped my iphone earlier today; I was walking down the street, minding my own business and all that when it slipped out of my hand, hit the pavement and went off the edge of the curb and into oncoming traffic, where it was suddenly run over by a Cabbie pulling over to take a fare.

I asked him to back up so I could retrieve it but then, as I reached down to pick the unfortunate device up, it suddenly burst into flames.
As the flames leapt higher and higher I did the only thing I could think of in the circumstances; I dowsed them by placing the unhappy iphone in my pocket for a minute or two.

I have two questions and they are (in ascending order of importance):

Firstly; does somebody know where I might get a new pair of trousers?

Secondly; is there a way we could stop these rather dull postings about "OMG, I dropped my iphone", or, "My iphone has gone through the dishwasher; again!" and "HELP!!! my iphone got eaten by the cat and won't play my itunes tracks!!!!" and such like.

I only ask because this forum is meant to be about the technical aspects of Apple products and not a confessional for Burks.
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