dropped my unibody macbook :-(

25 Jun 2007

I foolishly dropped my unibody macbook 13" a few weeks ago :mad:. It still works 99% apart from the track pad sometimes sticks in although I normally use a mouse. Theres a dent on the bottom right of the body and a dent on the top right of the screen.

I'm guessing its not going to be able to be repaired but thought it'd be worth asking you guys on here first. I love the mac to bits and its plenty quick enough for me so I don't really want to sell this one for a great loss just to buy a new replacement!

Mark :)
Sorry to hear that :( They are beautiful machines.

You could try going to an Apple store and see if they can fix it for you. I don't know all the ins and outs, but they may charge you, it's worth a try, though.
Is it obvious it's been dropped? Or rather is it obvious that it's been dropped and that's caused the trackpad to not work? In fact, are you sure it was the drop that caused it?

Try them, you may find they'll fix it FOC, but if it's from the drop and it's obvious then you may be out of luck. Worth a try if they're closeish.
I'm only a mile or two away from the Bullring so might take it in there on one of my days off. Its obvious its been dropped as theres a small dent to the body and screen although nothing major (just annoying!) and I can't see how it would have affected the track pad to be honest so might take it in and see, got nothing to lose I guess!!
I bet the trackpad is just catching on the alu around it, there are screws underneath to adjust it i think, ifixit has alu shells, $229 for non backlit and $299 for backlit :)
/emails thread to arcam_boy's GF's home insurance company ;)

Nah seriously hope you get it sorted- I'd be gutted if I dropped my lovely MBP
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