Drum Hardware. Help!

26 Dec 2004
I want drum hardware, to supe up my kit,

for starters bassdrum feet, if possible, novelty ones?

novelty drum hardware help me search for some!

Novelty drum items not cheap ass ones, expensive such as stcik holders, drum feet, cymbal locks etc.
actually nevermind ive nearly totalled up 200 quid tonight on drum equipment :) pictures to come!
i play a gretsch.

and im not listing all the hardware, and beaters, and effects cymbals i used, as its getting too long haha!
Dave said:
Renown wasn't it? Fellow Gretsch owner here . . .

I must say when I was thinking of buying a high end kit I was always thinking Tama Starclassic / Pearl Masters, but after buying my Catalina Birch (fantastic kit for the price, sound a lot better than the Pearl BRX's in the shop . . .) I'm really tempted to go for a Gretsch USA Custom when I next buy a kit.

my next kit is definately something along the masters, thats if i dont get an edorsement before hand by gretsch hehe!

after you have a nice gretsch like that you dont need another kit for years.

i certainly wont need one for a while.
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