Drum practising

15 Jun 2006
I know there are drummers here, and I actually desperately want a real kit now :o :eek: . The electric is ok for rhythm, but mine does nothing for technique and feel.

What i'm wondering is, those of you that have real kits, how do you use them? Mainly because of the volume. Do you use silencing pads (I imagine this spoils the feel?), do you need to have set times to use it when you won't disturb the neighbours, any soundproofing? This is a detached house with double glazing, would the sound get out much (i've used the kit at college, I know it's loud but am not sure). For that matter, I don't have anywhere much to put it except the garage, which isn't ideal. Anyone use thiers in a garage? Information on setups appreciated :)
It really depends on your neighbours.
I'm lucky with my neighbours, with the fact that they've only complained once in almost 4 years, and that was when the band were over practising, and the window was open.

I have mine in my room, and, while you can hear it outside, it's not too loud, unless i've got the window open.

A word of advice about keeping it in the garage, though. Most garages aren't all that well soundproofed, and the brick walls will reflect a lot of sound back to you, making it seem quite loud inside, even with ear protection.
Also, you have to watch with the humidity/heat in a garage; it's not good for the shells to be submitted to temperature/humidity extremes.
Thanks for the advice. I hadn't thought about the effect on the drums much in a garage, but did think it would be very cold in winter out there for myself. I hear you with the soundproofing issue, I imagine a metal door is virtually transparent acoustically and we have 2 :(

I didn't think it would be distractingly loud if played indoors, but I still can't think of anywhere much to put it other than the garage :( . You can buy those little soundproofed rooms that you construct inside another room, but at £4000 odd pounds thats a little bit much. If there was a free room in this house I reckon it'd be ok, mabye stick a matress up against the door and keep the windows shut.

If only I didn't need to sleep, I could get rid of the bed and stick it in here :p . One of those high sleeper beds would probably leave space underneath to put it, but that wouldn't go down well and I don't know if i'd like sleeping up there anyhow. Garage still looks most feasable, hmm. Thanks again.
Thats good to know, still think it would have to be the garage if at all though, all the rooms are pretty full especially this one :( . In here would be best as it happens as I can record up here easily too, which would be really sweet :)
i own a studio (now)

so i can go around when i want and bash til my hearts content.

cover it up to keep temp changes to a minimum, dont use any deadening at all, apart from moongel pads on my snare, and duck tape strips on my snare.

also if dmpoole sees this. one day your coming to doncaster. fact.
(^ duck tape/moongel on your snare! blasphemy! :eek: )

When I'm home, I'm lucky enough to live in the countryside and my nearest neighbour is about half a mile away, so I don't have any problems with regards to sound :D

When I'm at university I don't play drums as I have nowhere to leave them or play them. I guess that's where an electric kit would be OK for me but as it stands I just play on a practise pad, and play guitar most of the time :p
Neon said:
also if dmpoole sees this. one day your coming to doncaster. fact.

Oh my god, he's going to tie me up in a sound proofed room and commit unnatural acts to my perfectly formed body :D

My normal rates are £40 for 90 mins.
I have a tarted-up outhouse with at least 6 layers of thick carpet / blanket on the walls and ceiling. Only cheapish way i've found of being able to play at nearly full volume. The door is so padded it looks more like it belongs in Fort Knox, and the window is completely blocked off, these are the two main culprits of sound escaping outside. Does work though :p
The problem with the garage is the whole street will be able to hear you play. To be honest you really don’t have enough room for a full sized drum kit anyway.
Neon has a neat solution here, but I can't possibly do that (money and nowhere like it round here). fuz and Dave, you also sound pretty set, I've heard of people making little studios in thier gardens. Its good because you can build it pretty much however you need it (soundproofed etc), so long as it isn't too tall etc. The countryside is a musicians dream too :D

Yep, the only real space I can see is the garage still, and that isn't ideal. It would fit in there, it's just acoustics and temperature problems. Doesn't someone near you have a kit in the garage Mr.Orb? Other than that, the high sleeper bed; but I wouldn't like sleeping up there tbh, don't think I could get used to that now. It really is annoying, i'll probably end up buying it and never actually find somewhere to put it knowing myself :D .

Thanks for your ideas, post some pictures of the set ups if you want, that would be neat, see how much space they occupy etc. I imagine you need some room in front of the bass drum, firing straight into a wall wouldn't be too good?
dmpoole said:
Oh my god, he's going to tie me up in a sound proofed room and commit unnatural acts to my perfectly formed body :D

My normal rates are £40 for 90 mins.

**** off... just come to doomcaster for a jam, i aint paying you. i could get top musos from donny for brilliant work.

i was asking you to come down when the studio is finished and have a blast with us.
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