Drying clothes effectively indoors!

2 Apr 2011
Hey guys,

Quick question, how do you effectively dry clothes indoors?

I live in South Wales and it rains all the damn time. This means that even in summer I can't use the washing line. That all restricts me to indoors, however because its summer I don't have the heating on as frankly its boiling even though yes its raining.

How should I go about drying clothes?

Mine dry without the heating on?

Pick a draughty spot in the house or based on the fact that heat rises, anywhere upstairs (except the bathroom)
Mine dry without the heating on?

Pick a draughty spot in the house or based on the fact that heat rises, anywhere upstairs (except the bathroom)

We have a horse thingy in the second bedroom to dry clothes on but frankly it doesn't do a hugely amazing job and we are slowly becoming overwhelmed with dirty clothes.

I still havn't washed everything from Download festival last month!
No tumble-dryer presumably?

Getting as much moisture out as possible during the spin cycle in the washing machine will help, then it's just a case of leaving them hanging somewhere that air will circulate. You'll want to leave a window open a bit or have an extractor fan to help remove the moisture in the air though, otherwise you might end up with damp in your home.

I've got a condensing tumble-dryer and the amount of water in the tank after one load is quite staggering, you don't want that getting into the walls etc in your home.
Clothes horse in a spare room with the vent above the window open , even in winter it'll dry things in a couple days when the room is about 12degC.
I do an extra spin cycle, hang on radiator and put heating on for a quick blast. Whatever you do make sure you have good ventilation or a window open or you will end up with damp and mould.
I dry mine in the room where the computer crunches Test4Theory 24/7. I have to leave the window open most of the year when I'm home to keep the room cool. Even towels dry in a day at most. I'm not sure if it's cheaper or more expensive than a tumble dryer to run though.
I bought a Delonghi dehumidifier last winter which has a clothes drying function. I run it at night because it draws ~500 watts, and my clothes are usually 90-100% dry within 7 hours.
If im forced to dry indoors it's normally in a room with a window/door open - they're normally dry in a few hours in the summer.

Don't trap the moisture in the house as it causes damage to plaster and wood, moulds etc.
Dehumidifier overnight would get my vote! Buy yourself a few collapsible clothes horses and clothes will be dry in the morning.

+1 for DeLonghi
I used to have to put up with this and we had a clothes horse in the spare room and often put the window ajar but in winter some items like jeans and thicker tops would take two days to dry. We would always do an extra spin at the end of the wash to get a much moisture out. But, we got fed up with that and having lost our spare room as it's now become a nursery to our new born we bought a washer dryer. (No space for separate machines) Best thing we did. We can have clothes clean and dry within 45 mins if we so wish on the quick cycle.
I hate it when people don't dry clothes properly and it ends up with that rank damp musty smell.
The problem is some people just can't detect this smell so don't notice it.
Someone at my work has this, some of us can smell it a mile away, whereas others just can't notice it and wonder what we go on about.
I hate it when people don't dry clothes properly and it ends up with that rank damp musty smell.
The problem is some people just can't detect this smell so don't notice it.
Someone at my work has this, some of us can smell it a mile away, whereas others just can't notice it and wonder what we go on about.

An old housemate of mine used to have a habit of doing this, his clothes came straight out of the machine onto the work surface above it and that's where they stayed until he wanted to wear them.
Dirty begger!
We dry our clothes in a spare room using a dehumidifier, it works very well and is a better use of electricity than our combined washer dryer.
Never had any problems chucking them on a clothes horse in the spare room - with window open they usually dry in hours tops.

To echo the above make sure you've got good ventilation or your likely to get problems with mold.
We use a clothes horse in the spare room, just takes a little while. My sister has a JML dri-buddy, not very big but still fine for a few shirts etc. cheap to run and most clothes will dry in 30-40mins
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