Ds lite and gba advance games

18 Oct 2002
Its been a while since i bought a handheld games machine (original gameboy), i was wondering about playing some old arcade classics available on the GBA, like pac-man, donkey kong, galaxian etc

When you play a GBA game on a DS-lite what is the graphic quality of the game ? is it limited by the GBA specifications or does it look better on the ds lite ?

Well the backlight (as opposed to the SP's sidelighting, and the GBA's err... screen) makes it look lovely and crisp, but the graphics aren't any better. But with the Lite's more powerful light too, I imagine it's probably the best system available to play GBA games on.
i finally learned to ignore my anal-retentiveness and put a GBA game in my Lite last night. Minish Cap looks lovely in it. Personally, i think games look better in the GBM because the screen's smaller with the same res, and the graphics look sharper. just my opinion though.
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