DSLR for circa £350?

1 Jul 2007
My girlfriend is very into photography, and has been saying for a while that she'd like to get a decent DSLR to learn on (she's been using an Olympus TG4 previously and, while you can take decent shots, it doesn't have all that much by way of manual settings.

Is there a decent DSLR or micro 4/3s camera available with a starter lens for around £350? If so, what would you recommend? Thanks!
There are likely more up to date models/alternatives but you can grab a Nikon D5200 for around that price. A decent entry level DLSR and if you pair it with either a 35mm or 50mm f1.8 prime, she'd be off to a great start :).
A couple of months ago I managed to pick up the Panasonic GX80 for £309 (after rebate) from PCWorld. Its currently £399 with the 12-32mm kit lens. This is a very good camera for the price.

The Sony A6000 is a little (£500) more but gets you a APSC sized sensor. You'll see as a photography camera this is hard to beat given its performance.

It might be worth saving a little more and see what happens in a few weeks.
Panasonic G7 is a good shout if you want DSLR-style controls. GX80 as above is great value for money. A used G80 would be good option too.

A used Sony A6000 would be my choice personally, but then I’m already invested in the ecosystem with full frame so a bit biased.
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