DSLR / Lens / Laptop Backpack! recommendations!

10 Feb 2004
Crewe, UK
Hey Guys!

I am after one of the DSLR, DSLR Lens and laptop bags, but I don't know which ones are the best!

I have a canon 350D and an iBook 12" if that helps!

Thanks in Advance!

Im currently looking at a new Camera bag, the ones that have taken my fancy so far are the Lowepro CompuTrekker Plus AW and Lowepro SuperTrekker AWII.

The Computrekker seems ideal for what you need.
With regard to the camera choice, have a search through this forum regarding the 350 and Nikon D50 competition. There's plenty to think about.

Ref the bag, personally I don't like camera bags that look like camera bags. I used to use a Crumpler mail style bag, which was brilliantly made, water resistant and has plenty of padding. Unfortunately my new camera body simply won't fit. It's been replaced by a well padded Orange rucksack to which I've added some foam to aid with padding. So it certainly doesn't say "steal me". What also helps is that the new rucksack was only a 1/3rd of the cost of the Crumpler.
I've got a Crumpler Formal Lounge that fits my 10D + battery grip, 24-70 and 10-20 in the bottom pouch with my 15.4'' MacBook Pro in the laptop section. Theres space for the 100-400 in the main bit too.
Im fairly happy with both of my Lowepro bags, so maybe look at the ones that fit the gear you need?
I have a Lowepro CompuTrekker Plus AW - I manage to fit a 5D with lens, 350D with lens, 580EX flash, Dell D800 Widescreen laptop, laptop charger, several sets of Energizer rechargeables for the flash, fast rechargers (car + 240V), spare camera batteries, portable storage device, backup card reader etc, etc plus all of the little bits.

It weighs a ton but its safe storage when the kit is not in use. There are plenty of options for the main compartment and there is a way to store your pod on the back of the bag.

As said before though - try before you buy.
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