DSLR Stabilization, Shoulder rig? Etc.

28 Jul 2010
Grimsby, Lincolnshire.
Hey guys, I have work for a client coming up on the 22nd September but I'm low on money at the moment and really need to come up with a solution for DSLR Stabilization, preferably a shoulder rig but I have no idea as I've worked as a photographer, but on this occasion I'll be doing videography and recording the event.

Any ideas on any good equipment for stabilization (which will support a 550D w/ RODE Videomic) for around £50-60 or under?
From a cursory Google search.. the cheapest I could find was £350+, and it was nothing more than a rudimentary shoulder mounted see-saw.
If you search for "shoulder stabilizer" (yes American spelling I know), there seem to be quite a few simple shoulder braces which are within budget and might do the job.
Have a look on eBay. I did a quick search after seeing this thread and there are quite a few for your budget. I'm guessing they're not brilliant compared to the more expensive solutions but you can definitely get yourself something that will work, even it's it's just a stop gap to something better. I searched for "DLSR Shoulder Rig" on eBay.
A shoulder rig won't do anything, and a decent enough counterweight system will cost £300+.

Do you need to move with the camera, ie do you actually need a steadicam? Or can you use a monopod?

Also, what are you editing with? Final Cut and Sony Vegas both have decent stabilisation effects, as may some other pieces of software.
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