DSLR Time!

25 Dec 2002
I've finally decided to take the plunge and get myself a DSLR. Only problem is, i'm really not sure which one to go for.

I've got a budget of <£600, and i'd idealy like something thats a good base to work from, preferably with one or two lenses.

I've been poined towards both the Canon 350D and the Nikon D50, but a friend's parent recently recomended the Olympus E-500.

At the moment, i'm leaning towards the Nikon, as it's slightly cheeper, and had more recomendadtions than the Olympus.

Any help/advice/lnisk appreciated!
The Nikon D50 is certainly the cheapest option but the Canon 350D is within your budget. Choosing a lens to go with your camera is going to be tricky though; what subjects do you generally photograph?
Get either a 350D or a D50.

When your buying a DSLR your buying into a system. Canon and Nikon currently have the best systems.
SDK^ said:
The Nikon D50 is certainly the cheapest option but the Canon 350D is within your budget. Choosing a lens to go with your camera is going to be tricky though; what subjects do you generally photograph?

My preferance would be landscape shots, living near the Peak District I have some pretty amazing country side to grab shots of. Possibly getting into macro or portrait photography at a later date.
gobbo Olympus E-500 is worth considering if you are planning to shoot with telephoto lenses, as a focal length conversion ratio is 2X.
With Sigma 50-500mm the angle of view will be equivalent to 100-1000mm :eek:

The Nikon D50 should be ideally suited to that, they tend to have richer dynamic range and a sharper image straight out of the camera for that sort of area and coupled with a decent lens like the sigma 18-50 f2.8 you should be set.

If you are shooting a lot of high ISO stuff though above or at 800 then chooose the 350D.

In your price range those 2 cams are your best choice and where one beats the other in an area the other does the same in another area.
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Thanks for the replies guys.

I'll defiantely be taking a trip to local camera shop to help with my decision, as i've never held any of the cameras or used them I think that might help in my decision.

Feel free to e-mail me any links to competitors, don't want anyone getting a holiday by posting here.
gobbo said:
Feel free to e-mail me any links to competitors, don't want anyone getting a holiday by posting here.

Problem there is you could get a holiday for effectively asking :p
Spanker said:
Just to say i picked up the 350d with Canon's twin lens kit and battery grip for £700 a week ago :)

very good deal: I take it that's the Canon 18-55 and 55-200 set? How you finding them sharpness/CA wise?
scoop said:
very good deal: I take it that's the Canon 18-55 and 55-200 set? How you finding them sharpness/CA wise?

Yes to the lenses, can't really answer the second question at the moment as i havn't had much time to use it, or been anywhere with it (my first dslr) :)
You could have got an Oly 300 twin lens kit for 399 a few weeks ago. The Olympus system is worth looking at, especcially for landscape work. A lot of models and lenses are weather sealed and small. I know of one pro landscape photographer who swears by them for this reason. The E10 (5Mp only but a full pro level body) can be got now for 400 new. Definitely look round for their twin lens kits as they weren't a bad price normally.
A thought. Bodies come and go. A year ago, Canon seemed to have the edge (IMO), now Nikon seems to have the upper hand (depending upon the price range you're talking about). The point being that bodies have short lifespans and are being replaced quickly.

In comparison, lenses are around for years and will almost certainly outlast your camera body. Link in the fact that a couple of good lenses will cost more than a good body, and I'd like to suggest that you should focus on chosing the lens supplier you want, then worry about a body afterwards.
I'm liking the choices people have offered in respect of getting a D50 then a good quality small zoom lens, especially as he is going for landscape stuff.

That would be my choice if I was you.

freebooter said:
You could have got an Oly 300 twin lens kit for 399 a few weeks ago. The Olympus system is worth looking at, especcially for landscape work.

The small sensors in the Olympus D-SLR range (2x crop factor) means obtaining a wide angle required for landscape photography is going to be impossible. A 17mm becomes 34mm which isn't really wide enough.
Well, I went into my local read me - no competitors store today, and had a look at both the 350D and the D50.

And, I prefer the feel of the D50, just feels more comfortable to hold and use. Plus they offered a few extra bits at 50% off (carry all, spare battery etc).

Only problem now, is which package to buy!

Body only, and get seperate lens
Body + 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
Body + 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 + 70-300mm f/4-5.6
If its the Nikkor 70-300, don't get too hung up on it, it isn't very good, the SIgma alternative, while not great by any stretch is still better than the Nikkor.
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