I am trying to return a result of unique users/groups from a AD, which may or may not include nested groups. The following command-line provides unique rows;
However I want to also include the GROUPNAME in the output E.G.
Currently I pipe this out to a csv file which will then be folded into a consildated csv file, for other groups, and then cleaned up.
Happy to explore other mechanisms..
Any pointers much appreciated.
Thanks, Paul.
Ended up going about this is in a very backside about face way due to the return limitation.
Followed by Logparser to consolidate all CSVs into a single file with an additional column which contained the groupname pulled from the csv filename generated by the dsquery| dsget call.
dsquery group domainroot -name "GROUPNAME" | dsget group -members -expand
Currently I pipe this out to a csv file which will then be folded into a consildated csv file, for other groups, and then cleaned up.
Happy to explore other mechanisms..
Any pointers much appreciated.
Thanks, Paul.
Ended up going about this is in a very backside about face way due to the return limitation.
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$Groups = (Get-AdGroup -filter * | Where {$_.name -like "THISGROUPNAME" -or $_.name -like "THISOTHERGROUPNAME" -or $_.name -like "ORANOTHERGROUPNAME"} | select name -expandproperty name)
Foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
<Make the dsquery | dsget call and output to an individual csv file> $Group
$csvfiles = Get-ChildItem . *.csv
Foreach ($files in $csvfiles) {
(gc $files.PSPath) |
% {$_ -replace '"', ""} |
Out-File $files.PSPath -Fo -En ascii
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