Dt770s 250ohm ok with amp?

5 Dec 2006
Yikes. they have sent me the Beyer DT770 250ohm rather than the 80ohm.

I'm hoping to use them for PC gaming, iPod etc, and I'd heard the 250ohm would have been awful to drive without an amp, and the 80ohm touch and go.

To hedge my bets on the 80ohm (which I'd ordered) I also ordered an amp from elsewhere (which arrives tomorrow).

SO my question is.... now that I HAVE an amp, will the 250ohm be as good as if not better than the 80ohm, OR would I still be better off with the 80ohm?

If it makes a difference, the amp will be a PROJECT HEAD BOX MK11.

Advice most appreciated, as I don't want to send these back unless I have to...
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