DT990 Pro or DT770 Pro?

25 Jul 2016
Hey guys,

Looking for some advice please so i need to get a new set of headphones as my old HyperX broke on me.
I liked the HyperX as they seemed to have nice punchy bass but we uncomfortable to wear after a while.

I have narrowed it down to the beyerdynamic DT990 pro or DT770 pro.

I have never owned open back headphones but im happy to give them a go, thing is i do like bassy headphones and im not sure out of the two what would be better for me?

These headphones will be used 90 percent of the time for gaming and the rest music and youtube etc.

One last thing i only have a Soundblaster Z soundcard in my PC and no external amp, the DT990 are 250 Ohm and the DT770 are 80 Ohm, i have read online that my sound card will be ok for both and also on other sites that i would need a amp for the DT990 250 Ohm. So don't know what to believe?

Just looking for some advice before i buy as to what headphones would be better for me.

Thanks all
Do you have noisy environment?
Open design leaks environment's sounds through almost unmuffled and only way to hide it by increasing volume.
That includes sounds from keyboard with ruckus of average mechanical being quite loud.

Again if you have normally quiet environment, open design works fine and gives chance to be able to hear if something happens nearby.
Tough if you like the lowest "rumbling" bass that's weakness of open design, which struggles with it especially with dynamic drivers.

No i don't have a noisy environment, i have my rig set up in the spare room but i do have a mechanical keybroard.

Thanks all for the info guys, think im going to go with the DT770's 80 Ohm, sounds like they might be the better option for me.
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