DTS Connect issues :(

13 Feb 2006
Please somebody help with my frustration that is an Asus Crosshair mobo onboard sound not doing its job.

Basically i got this board not only because it was supposed to be a great overclocker but also because certain features appealed to my setup. Main one being I run my PC sound through spdif to my celestion AV reciever so DTS Connect seemed great because the onboard sound would encode and send DTS signal to recvier also heard people saying it sent games eax sound to reciever in proper 5.1 where as used prologic 2 up to now and isnt quite the same.

Anyway it sounded good, shame pc crashs anytime DTS Connect is enabled :mad: You can load the pc, enable DTS then load a program such as winamp play some music it will work kind of but then crash so bad you have to phisically turn it off as you cant even force a restart it dies good and proper.

I have tried all sorts of drivers for audio and chipset etc excactly the same and have latest bios, contacted asus thier answer was to use non DTS drivers which to be fair to them did cure the problem as it was no longer a feature but then left me asking why did buy that mobo in the first place. I feel like ive paid top whack for product that dosent do what its advertised to do. I would slate asus for this but i dont know whether its a faulty board or indeed an isolated case to just asus.

Sorry about the essay but its really bothering me, surley i cant be the only one thats had a problem?
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