DTS demo file

14 Dec 2004
I dloaded some DTS demo files to test on my sound setup. They are AVCHD files.

My blu ray player says its AVCHD compatible, so I chucked them on a DVD and it wont play.

So I thought I would make a dvd with dvd flick, but that wont accept the file, so I dloaded a trial of something else, but that ruined the audio and made it 2.0DD

My TV wont pass through DTS if I stream from my PC

The USB port on the amp wont take video files

I cant see any other way of doing it, other than burning to blu ray, which I dont have the gear to do.
I can, just you don't know what the sound is doing.

Just when I watch films, I can hear the left surround speaker really well, but not the right. But then you don't know if the film is putting anything to that speaker.

The tone test all sounds good, just wanted to test with some actual real audio with specific sounds to specific speakers.
I got the files from demo world

Never thoughy of unplugging one speaker lol! It's so easy to miss the easy things

I'll look into that other stuff to burn to dvd

Cheers guys
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