5 Apr 2014
Right gone ahead and bought a NUC for our samsung H6400 for the living room now i will be playing my collection of 1080p MKV'S which are big files over 20 gig. Now the audio the films produce is DTS-HD.Now i was also looking to purchase the Yamaha SRT-1000 ...I know this decodes DTS but not DTS-HD now if i play a film through PLEX or KODI would this produce DTS or just stereo sound
Wikipedia; said:
According to the DTS-HD White Paper,[6] DTS-HD Master Audio contains 2 data streams: the original DTS core stream and the additional "residual" stream which contains the "difference" between the original signal and the lossy compression DTS core stream. The audio signal is split into two paths at the input to the encoder. One path goes to the core encoder for backwards compatibility and is then decoded. The other path compares the original audio to the decoded core signal and generates residuals, which are data over and above what the core contains that is needed to restore the original audio as bit-for-bit identical to the original. The residual data is then encoded by a lossless encoder and packed together with the core. The decoding process is simply the reverse.

In other words, it should do.
BDs contain not only DTS-HD or TrueHD, they also have an audio core. For a DTS-HD disk, that will be DTS and thus still in surround sound (assuming the movie was filmed in surround).
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