dual boot SSD

15 May 2010
Out of Coventry
I've been looking into getting ubuntu to do some programing on.
the new pc I've ordered should be here tomorrow ready to assemble, but the SSD is only 60Gb, how much space would I need on the ubuntu partition for it to install properly, and would I encounter any issues with having both windows programs and linux ones installed on the same secondary hard drive?

Alternatively, would it be possible to install windows to the SSD, and then ubuntu to the larger hard drive?

thanks in advance
Well my windows disk won't come for a couple of days after the rest of the pc, so one reason would be impatience. Also I quite fancy the idea of dual booting. How much space does ubuntu take up?
Also you could do with a SWAP partition, ideally on a seperate drive. Also, I think TRIM has been supported in Linux since Kernel 2.6.28.
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Hi Judgeneo. I have been using ubuntu for a year and a bit on a smaller vertex 30GB SSD. This is how I partition:

/ - 10GB
home - 20GB

The root has never passed 6GB for me so 10GB is definitely enough.
The home folder depends on you usage

Then I have another 1TB drive that I use for large media like all my music and movies, this drive also has my swap partition.

As for trim I haven't seen any performance decrease at all.

First thing you notice is how fast it will be, under 15 secs boot and instant loading of everything, its a dream :)
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