Dual Boot Windows 10 & 11

10 Nov 2006
Just wanting to check what I want to do will work...

I need to become more familiar with Windows 11 in general, as its being rolled out on our work machines.
All my stuff at home is still on 10, so I am planning to upgrade & dual boot.

My plan is to backup my current Windows 10 partition with Acronis. Then Upgrade that partition to windows 11 using the free upgrade.
Then Restore my Acronis Windows 10 backup to a seperate partition on the same ssd, & Choose which version of windows to use at the boot menu.

Sounds too simple.
Any possible issues?
21 Dec 2019
Planet Thanet
Should work in theory
I have multiple windows installations
But I put mine on separate drives
Not partitions on one drive
Since if that drive fails you lose both windows
And can't do anything until you replace the drive

As for acronis I can't even get it to work
Just gives scheduling service error
Even after trying everything support suggested
So I stuck with macrium instead
Does acronis allow testing your backup?
A backup is great but until you actually try to use it
No way to tell if it works
Macrium let's you test them in it's VM (viboot)

Any possible issues?
Yeah messed up boot record could be one
Should work in theory
Isn't the same as does work every time In practice

Main thing is have backups of anything important
Before you do anything
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