dual channel mode with non matched sticks?

30 Jul 2005
hi all, will ram that is the same brand and specs but bought at different times work together in dual channel mode or does it have to be a dual channel kit to get it to work?
shocking. guess that nforce 2 boards like the one i have been using are really crappy when it comes to memory compatability.
thats good to hear.

the 2 crucial 1 gig sticks that i have were bought at around 8 months apart but are rated at the same timings and speed etc. they only run in single channel mode on my nforce 2 board, but then again my nforce 2 board does not work in dual channel mode even with the corsair xms 1 gig kit i have which is dual channel certified.

if my crucial sticks work fine in my asrock board that is comming next week in dual channel mode i will be over the moon!! :D
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