Dual core CPU and memory dividers.

8 Mar 2006
Hi all

I am about to buiild a 165/170 Opty-based system with 2Gb of memory.

This will be getting OC'd as far as possible, but I would like to know if it worth getting the fastest RAM I can afford, or if it is ok to run the memory through a divider?

I searched the forum for info on this but came up with nowt conclusive.

Anyone got any advice?
ObsOlete said:
I searched the forum for info on this but came up with nowt conclusive.

Anyone got any advice?

You don't have to spend shed loads on fast RAM, a good PC3200 set is more than enough. Just slap a divider on it and crank up the HTT. CPU speed is the king, memory speed is not.


What have these tests proven? They've proven that overclocking your K8 system while using a memory divider to keep that cheaper DDR RAM within spec is nothing to be ashamed of. We saw quite healthy gains in all departments, including memory bandwidth, merely by raising the CPU clock even though we kept the memory at ~200 MHz at all times. I repeat: You are not a weenie if you use a memory divider. :-)

It's amazing how many people fail to understand this. There are constant threads around here asking about 280-300Mhz RAM when it just isn't needed.
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