Dual DVB input card problem (MCE)

28 Jan 2004

I bought a DVB-T200 last week to add as a second tuner to my Media Center. The existing tuner is a Pinnacle unit. Both items are for receiving terrestrial DVB signals, and the pinnacle unit has, and still works fine.

On installing the DVB-T200, I downloaded the latest drivers from the manf's website as per their instructions. As mentioned on the manufacturer's FAQ regarding MCE I ensured a DVD decoder package was installed. I've used both ComproDVD as supplied on the install disk, and powerDVD 5.0

outside Mediacenter, the Compro software plays the tv broadcasts without a problem, and both the Pinnacle and DVB-T200 work perfectly. However in mediacenter, I get a "no signal" screen when using the DVB-T200, and the pinnacle unit continues to work perfectly.

Any ideas?


Baron_Samedi said:
Prolly the BDA drivers conflicting

Apart from the naff software I rather like the DVB-T200 it seems more tolerant to noise than my Nebula Digitv....

what do you mean by the BDA drivers? and is there a workaround/fix or would it simply be better to bin it, and get anotehr Pinnacle card to go with the existing, working, unit?


Have just had a reply from OCUK regarding a support request on this matter.

They have researched this issue and found the card is incompatible as a dual tuner unit, and will issue a refund.

a result.. not ideal.. but a result all the same. time to find a new second card to get a dual setup.

Caged said:
Why not sell the Pinnacle and get a single dual-tuner card?

I've not found a Windows MediaCenter compatible Dual tuner card with DVB-T freeview. all the dual tuner units I find for Xp MCE are analogue.

I could just be looking in the wrong places of course :D

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