Dual ISA server ?

18 Oct 2002
At home
Just wondering if anyone has two ISA servers for redunancy reasons. We currently have one and use it just as a Internet Proxy server.

Reading up on it and enterprise seems a lot better with CARP and single management console etc, howevet checking the price, standard is £400 whereas enterprise is £4000 !!!

Anyone run two standard ISA servers, assume it still works just not as good ?
thanks for the info, guess problem with NLB / PAC files is if one ISA server goes down i'll need to manually repoint them to the working server.

Bit meh to have to update the config manually on two servers as I know someone in the dept will forget !!

But I guess it saves £8K ! And yes logging will be a pain. PAC file would be cool if you don't mind.... email in trust.
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