dual monitors

12 Feb 2006
I am using 2 monitors and for the time have been usuing ultramon which i thought was free but apperantly its not :( so i am needing another dual monitor software i can use, either a trial one or a free one if anyone knows of one dat would be great!
addy_010 said:
how much it cost then? i am on a tight budget as it is with everything in life atm aftger buying my new rig (check sig, i tink)
$40 - £23 or there abouts?

addy_010 said:
I am on a tight budget as it is with everything in life atm aftger buying my new rig (check sig, i tink)
You're not serious are you? :confused:
What graphics card are you using? Depending on what you want to do ATI hydravision (if you're on ATI) will take care of moving windows between monitors and a few other basic things. I think there was something similar for nVidia too.
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