Dual Screen Problem

24 Jun 2005

I just wondered if anyone has any knowledge on dual screen monitors.

Basically I have a laptop and have just bought a 19" TFT monitor to use with it so i have a dual screen.

How is it possible to make my new monitor which is connected through an external port the default primary monitor so that i can have the task bar on it.

When i look in the display proprties and the "Use this device as the primary monitor" box is grayed out for both monitors

Any ideas would be appreicated

You could try using UltraMon (search on Google) - that's what I use on my dual monitors and I have the ability to have a seperate, independent taskbar on each one.
I have a feeling a laptop HAS to have its own panel as the primary screen (as its actually built in) but check bios settings also you may have a choice there
Depending on the gfx card in the laptop, you could be able to select which panel is the primary. If not, then I think your outa luck making the external the primary. Ultramon is a definate when dual screenying :)
Does anyone know how to make both screens display the same image on both screens without using Ultramon?

At the moment all i can do is extend the screen accross both of them.
Just because i dont want to pay $40 or download a dodgy copy.

I couldnt find the mirror option, but if i go to Advanced then click on the Direct3D tab and then the Options tab for some reason mirror mode switches on. But when i reboot it goes back to extend mode.
robc123 said:

I just wondered if anyone has any knowledge on dual screen monitors.

Basically I have a laptop and have just bought a 19" TFT monitor to use with it so i have a dual screen.

How is it possible to make my new monitor which is connected through an external port the default primary monitor so that i can have the task bar on it.

When i look in the display proprties and the "Use this device as the primary monitor" box is grayed out for both monitors

Any ideas would be appreicated


You could also just unlock the taskbar and drag it onto the other window....

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