Ducati 749s

12 Dec 2004
the south
I'm in the market for a new (to me) sports bike and am seriously considering a 749s.

it's mainly for a weekend toy (no daily commutes) but will be going to the south of France a few times a year for biking holidays.

Any one had one and what did you think of it?
I know reliability is always going to be a concern but I've heard as long as you look after them well they should be sound. Other thing is servicing costs, I can do most simple stuff myself but I've read their not the easiest bikes to work on.
What was servicing cost like?

just after general opinions from people who've owned one.

Or should I stick with an r6? :)
yeah just been doing a bit of research, seems they need changing every two years or 12000 miles.

Doesn't seem an overly complex job, I've done valve clearances on my old srad befor, is it comparable to that?
Was looking at the S version over the standard, cant quite stretch to an R.

Have looked into an rsv, I just prefer the look of the 749.
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