Sorry for a new thread but it's Christmas...
Anyway, as some of you know, I recently bought a Ducati 1098S. Now, a glorious little gift with the S model along side many other 'upgraded' items is something called the DDA.
It's a usb stick that plugs in under the seat cowel and basically records your ride in terms of RPM, speed ect ect. Pretty geeky stuff. But it's an extra that costs £350'ish if you wanted it with the base model 1098.
Anyway, I can't get the bloody thing to work in terms of recording my data.
I go for a ride, come back and the software says no data found. I am sure I am setting it up right on the dash.
Anyone used it and mind telling me what I am doing wrong?
Anyway, as some of you know, I recently bought a Ducati 1098S. Now, a glorious little gift with the S model along side many other 'upgraded' items is something called the DDA.
It's a usb stick that plugs in under the seat cowel and basically records your ride in terms of RPM, speed ect ect. Pretty geeky stuff. But it's an extra that costs £350'ish if you wanted it with the base model 1098.
Anyway, I can't get the bloody thing to work in terms of recording my data.
I go for a ride, come back and the software says no data found. I am sure I am setting it up right on the dash.
Anyone used it and mind telling me what I am doing wrong?