ducati multistrada s touring 2013

18 Oct 2002
very close to trading in my two older bike for a 2013 ducati multistrada s touring. been offered a deal which will cost me 68 a month on a pcp scheme

ill be honest in some ways would like to try a new gs as well but there isnt really anywhere near and the deal is pretty good.

ive got a 99 r1150gs and an 03 ducati 999s which is what id be trading in and been offered 7k for both. 4.5k for 999s and 2.5k for gs. both bikes are on ebay but 999s doesnt seem to be getting the money i thought it would but the gs which has been on for a few hours has already had an offer of 2.8k

if i can get a bit more than 7k selling them private then makes the deal even better. got a feeling the ducati isnt going to reach 4.5k which i cant believe so may just trade that and then sell gs private but would like 3k as i will get a set of termis for the multi if i get it and need a top box as well.
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I recently did a test ride on the new Multistrada - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18523361

I love it, and I think it is probably going to end up in a purchase either at the end of summer, or more likely at the beginning of next. That said, I'm riding the BMW on Sunday so I'll see how it compares. I don't intend to go off tarmac though, so the Ducati seems to be better.

It certain wins on looks!

I recently did a test ride on the new Multistrada - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18523361

I love it, and I think it is probably going to end up in a purchase either at the end of summer, or more likely at the beginning of next. That said, I'm riding the BMW on Sunday so I'll see how it compares. I don't intend to go off tarmac though, so the Ducati seems to be better.

It certain wins on looks!

youll have to let me know what you think of the gs mate
I bought the 2013 Pikes Peak version of the Multistrada and I have to say its the best bike I have ever ridden.

I bought the full touring kit with it as well so looking forward to putting many miles on it.

Looked at a GS but it just didnt float my boat for a number of reasons.
I bought the 2013 Pikes Peak version of the Multistrada and I have to say its the best bike I have ever ridden.

I bought the full touring kit with it as well so looking forward to putting many miles on it.

Looked at a GS but it just didnt float my boat for a number of reasons.

hi mate. i do fancy the gs as have got one now but nearest dealer is a little while away plus wouldn't get as good a p price as i am. im just trying to sell two of mine private before i decide whether to look at gs or just go for the multi.

out of curiousity do you mine me asking it you bought it on the pcp tripotions scheme and how much deposit you put down as im torn between that and regular finance
I traded in a 1098S and kept my 1098R. Then paid the rest off myself. I did talk to the dealer about the tri options deal and I have to say its pretty impressive but I had spare cash.

I would suggest writing down your queries and speak with the dealer regarding the normal bank loan or the tri options deal. If they dont or wont give an answer you fully understand then theres always more dealers. Compare the two but I dont know your circumstances and remember you are limited to 3 models with the tri options package.

Let me know if you need anymore info ! Good luck and you are making the right choice of bike, its tremendous fun !! :cool:
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thanks mate. the px deal ive been offered is very good to be fair to the dealer and they have answered my queries its more im unsure as to which option to go for.

im basically trading in a ducati 999s with 4000 miles on the clock and a bmw r11150 which they have offered me 7000 trade in for both. the payements on the pcp work out at 75 a month with a final payement of 8494 and would expect to have around 3k px value after 3 years. whereas normal finance would be 180 a month over 5 years and bike would be mine.

just kind of struggling to get my head round the idea of 7000 px and 2000 payements over 3 to then only have 3k px value. but would then have a new bike every few years over normal finance and owning the bike at the end and having maybe 7k left in the bike.

as far as im aware the whole range is on tri options now as my heart was looking at the panaigales as well. the pcp sort of appeals as i would be tempted after 18 months to 2 years to maybe go for a pani or similar for a year just to own one then go back to more touring oriantated bike
When you say 'they' , just for clarity who are 'they' ? The reason I ask is that are you happy with that deal on the trade in ?

Went out on a Panigale S and I prefer my Multistrada if I'm honest. I find the Panigale a little souless and lacking identity. My 1098R is still better !!

A guy had a Multistrada on a track night and it more than scared a few sportsbikes !!!
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hi its j and l at carlisle. i think i would prefer the multi as well its just i love sports bikes and just owning one and stopping at places with it and it being looked as i kind of nice. sad i know but hey ho. ha
Nope it isnt sad at all , my 1098R is now very trick but I rarely ride it on the road. IMO the Multi is a very good looking bike, and let me tell you right now its more then capable on the road and even I have my knee down already ;)

The newer traction control and ABS modules are very noticable and the active suspension is astounding ! Dont forget the slipper clutch as well ! I did get a titanium Termi system on mine and it sounds epic :D

Just a thought , did you have a word with Ducati Leeds or Glasgow about what they could do for you regarding trade-ins against a 2013 Multi ?
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Nope it isnt sad at all , my 1098R is now very trick but I rarely ride it on the road. IMO the Multi is a very good looking bike, and let me tell you right now its more then capable on the road and even I have my knee down already ;)

The newer traction control and ABS modules are very noticable and the active suspension is astounding ! I did get a titanium Termi system on mine and it sounds epic :D

Just a thought , did you have a word with Ducati Leeds or Glasgow about what they could do for you regarding trade-ins against a 2013 Multi ?

My 999s always gets looks from bikers and non alike when parked up. I do like the looks. I'm sure it is. I'm quicker on my gs on most roads because I'm relaxed and easily keep up with most average riders.

I was quite suprised that the standard exhaust was as loud as it is but will be getting the carbon end can I think at the same time as I buy.

I'm in heysham so Leeds and Glasgow are quite a way away and I don't think they would give more to be fair. There offered me 4500 px for 999s which for dealer book price of 4750 is good. I do think its a lot of bike for the money but that pears to be what they are with now
I had a 999R before my 1098R and I still miss it , the 1098R is far more capable and after the mods is also very powerful but isnt as quirky as the 999 was ;)

I was just thinking about the servicing as both Leeds and Glasgow have outstanding bike techs who really know these things inside out and will help out with any 'extras' for a good price !

I'm not sure I would trust another dealer
Plus with full termis the 999 sound ace. They are a Ducati main dealer and have some link to James and dean Ellison I think. Got to say the dealer seemed pretty good. No hard sell and pleasant
I bought the 2013 Pikes Peak version of the Multistrada and I have to say its the best bike I have ever ridden.

I bought the full touring kit with it as well so looking forward to putting many miles on it.

Looked at a GS but it just didnt float my boat for a number of reasons.

Envy :)
Haha, still can't believe I almost bought the S touring edition of this bike. But instead I'm going round the world with the money lol.
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