
11 Aug 2009
North East
Hey all, sold my R6 about 18 month ago but decided the time is right to jump back on a bike again and I quite fancy a Ducati.. im probs leaning towards the 848.

My only concern is the few people I have known over the years that have one have had nothing but trouble with them... surely that is a thing of the past ?

Anyone got a ducati? 848 etc that can fill me in? also, anyone who has had a ducati and hated it?

Well I think all that should be the basics, that was certainly how I looked after the R6! but as you say, it is often time dependant... I know how much of a balls ache it can be simply taking the fairings off!

Well will try get a test ride at local dealer... that said, I need some new leathers first (put a bit of timber on !)
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