Dud memory?

3 Nov 2004
Hi, just to check if you guys think I got some dud memory;
Bought some Corsair TwinX1024RE-3200LLPT memory- matched memory pair to upgrade from my old Corsair 512 MB single stick 2700 memory.
Pulled out the old memory, stuck in the matched pair in the first two slots, as adviced by the mobo (an Asrock 939A8X-M), restarted, and.... everything powers up, but there is no video signal out to the monitor, so can't even see bios. Removed, replaced old memory, and all is well. So tested each matched stick separately, both show cause same symptoms. Old memory still works absolutely fine.
Don't believe that there are any jumpers i need to change, to accept registered memory or anytihng......
thanks in advance
nyargh. it doesn't say.....not in manual or the destructions.
can't find on web page either. oh well. guess i will have to go down to the work computing department and ask if they want 1gig of registered memory....
eh, since i'm not allowed on the for trade forums yet, and before i try and auction it or something, i don't suppose this registered memory could be of any use to anybody? PM me i guess

and apologies if this goes against the trading rules
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