Duel computer desk for kids room

10 Nov 2008
Isle Of Wight, UK
Good day all.

My wife and I, have got sick to the back teeth of computers being on the dining room table, that I am now trying to design an build a custom computer desk to house two full computer systems, into the cornor of the kids bed room.

I have to try and fit all this into an area of 1240mm wide by 940mm deep.
And have to all be enclosed so that it can not be tampered with by the kids.

Here is what I have come up with so far.

SkyDrive Link to pictures: http://sdrv.ms/Sci1Xn

There is also a PDF version of the full 3D render of my current design in the link above, but the file is quite large around 30MB.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Best Regards.
If the 940mm is the max depth of the desk, then it's deep enough to have the tower units behind the monitors.
Hah! Looks exactly like the desk I took my driving theory test at! :D

Love your design, may I suggest the keyboard/mouse locations be tweaked for better ergonomics though? The keyboard especially seems in a poor position given children's generally shorter arms.

Looking forward to seeing this in action :)
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Assuming the bottom cupboard houses the towers, you will probably need some airflow to keep them from over heating.

Maybe add a fan or 2 top and bottom of the case? The bottom ones sucking air in and the top ones throwing it out again.

Nice design BTW.
Nice designs :)

Would then go with some fairly cheep cases to go in the cupboard making sure you have good airflow and these for power and USB on the desk. Very useful products :)
The computers are not very high end computers, as they are only used for basic internet use, and playing games like minecraft, counter-stike and team fortress 2, etc.

The cabinet for the computers will have vent holes at the front and rear, plus at least 3x 120mm fans on the rear to give good air flow.

I quite like the looks and idea of that "PC Jump Start" I will have to look into that at a later point.
Are you going to include any power management in the desk - ie power strips, cable hiding etc... That's a lot of cables that could be very nicely tidied away.

Nice concept. Would it not be better to have the players facing toward one another slightly, with the desk forming a slight 'V' shape rather than just sat side by side. It would give the players a slightly better view as neither would be able to see one another's screen...
Craig321: Yes having the monitor's built in will limit upgrades, but I am sure the two 19" Dell Ultrasharp's will do the kids fine.

Once again this is for my 5 kids to share, ages from 3-12 Years.

Once it is all built, I will not be looking to upgrade it for a long time.
Make sure you are not blocking any side vents (if the processor has a cowl that butts up to the casing on the side), and if it is in the corner make sure there is a reasonable amount of room at the back where you slot it in. Since it is for kids make damn sure you have some protection for drink spillage (at the back especially, where the water WILL fall down and track down the back of the wires to the PC)
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