Dug out my old Pioneer PL112D turntable, bit of advice please.

21 Oct 2002
Bexhill on sea
As title, I decided to dig out my old turntable and see whats what with it. I've ordered a new drivebelt as I can see the motor spindle turning fine, but the belt slips badly. Theres also a fair bit of wear at the bottom r/h corner of where the "off/on, up/down " legends are, but funnily the wear hasn't touched the writing, it seems underneath it. The woodwork is in fantastic condition as is the plastic cover which is spotless, and the hinges work as well.

I'd just like to know what my options are might be (other than using it), is worth selling, keeping getting restored if worth it, etc. Its also got a shure M75EJ cartridge if that means anything.

Any info would be appreciated, Ta.
Like anything, it's worth what someone will pay for it. For thoughts on value, have a scan at that well known auction site.
As title, I decided to dig out my old turntable and see whats what with it. I've ordered a new drivebelt as I can see the motor spindle turning fine, but the belt slips badly. Theres also a fair bit of wear at the bottom r/h corner of where the "off/on, up/down " legends are, but funnily the wear hasn't touched the writing, it seems underneath it. The woodwork is in fantastic condition as is the plastic cover which is spotless, and the hinges work as well.

I'd just like to know what my options are might be (other than using it), is worth selling, keeping getting restored if worth it, etc. Its also got a shure M75EJ cartridge if that means anything.

Any info would be appreciated, Ta.

Second hand TT prices are pretty robust at the moment, so if you wanted to sell then now wouldn't be a bad time.

Where to sell, and how much you'll get, and whether its worth the hassle for shipping are entirely different questions. Some of it is down to condition (refurbished, cartridge quality etc) and whether its boxed.

The extremes of the prices range from £80 to near £300. The PL12D is a decent TT, but I think anything over £200 is pushing things too far when there are more modern s/h alternatives from Rega, Pro-Ject and Revoler that would outplay the Pioneer.

The Shure cartridge was standard fit for the 12D. The stylus is under £30 to replace rather than hundreds
or thousands £s, so that should give you an idea that this was a workaday cartridge rather than an upgrade or anything higher-end.

12Ds are fairly simple and easy to work on. Theres a lot written about them and how to restore them to good working order. There aren't too many major design flaws. Get the motor and spindle oiled. Refurb or replace the motor isolation rubbers. Put in a new stylus or upgrade to a better cartridge. The TT probably has another 30 years of life in it if properly cared for.

Sell it 'as is' for maybe £100-£120 before costs (excluding shipping); but then what to replace it with? One of the Pro-Jects such as a Debut. That'll set you back £300 new or £150 secondhand.
Second hand TT prices are pretty robust at the moment, so if you wanted to sell then now wouldn't be a bad time.

Where to sell, and how much you'll get, and whether its worth the hassle for shipping are entirely different questions. Some of it is down to condition (refurbished, cartridge quality etc) and whether its boxed.

The extremes of the prices range from £80 to near £300. The PL12D is a decent TT, but I think anything over £200 is pushing things too far when there are more modern s/h alternatives from Rega, Pro-Ject and Revoler that would outplay the Pioneer.

The Shure cartridge was standard fit for the 12D. The stylus is under £30 to replace rather than hundreds
or thousands £s, so that should give you an idea that this was a workaday cartridge rather than an upgrade or anything higher-end.

12Ds are fairly simple and easy to work on. Theres a lot written about them and how to restore them to good working order. There aren't too many major design flaws. Get the motor and spindle oiled. Refurb or replace the motor isolation rubbers. Put in a new stylus or upgrade to a better cartridge. The TT probably has another 30 years of life in it if properly cared for.

Sell it 'as is' for maybe £100-£120 before costs (excluding shipping); but then what to replace it with? One of the Pro-Jects such as a Debut. That'll set you back £300 new or £150 secondhand.

Thanks for the info Lucid (only thing is, its a PL112D, not PL12D, theres an extra 1 in the model number) I've had a look and I really need to replace the tone arm board due to scarring where, over the years, the bottom part of the user's hand rests on the top deck when setting the arm onto the vinyl (I know thats what the lever is for, but people in the past must have been impatient!)
I'll fit the drive belt when it pitches up and see how it sounds for rumble, flutter and wow. If its 'orrible I'll be looking at rubber motor mounts, chassis mounts (though they adjustable), spindle condition, and I'll lubricate where required once I find out the relevant lubricants and oil, etc.
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Thanks for the info Lucid (only thing is, its a PL112D, not PL12D
Ah, apologies. My bad.

The PL112D and PL12D though are almost the same. The 112D has a very slightly better tone arm , but the spindle support is plastic rather than brass in the 12D. The performance of them both is pretty close. Prices for used examples aren't that different either.
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