As title, I decided to dig out my old turntable and see whats what with it. I've ordered a new drivebelt as I can see the motor spindle turning fine, but the belt slips badly. Theres also a fair bit of wear at the bottom r/h corner of where the "off/on, up/down " legends are, but funnily the wear hasn't touched the writing, it seems underneath it. The woodwork is in fantastic condition as is the plastic cover which is spotless, and the hinges work as well.
I'd just like to know what my options are might be (other than using it), is worth selling, keeping getting restored if worth it, etc. Its also got a shure M75EJ cartridge if that means anything.
Any info would be appreciated, Ta.
I'd just like to know what my options are might be (other than using it), is worth selling, keeping getting restored if worth it, etc. Its also got a shure M75EJ cartridge if that means anything.
Any info would be appreciated, Ta.