Duke Nukem Forever by Dec 31st 2006?

26 Sep 2005
Tonbridge, Kent
Seen on several different sites.

"AS THE GAMES outfit Take-Two's executives watch their share price plummet, they have made a bid to finish the infamously much-delayed game Duke Nukem.

According to a SEC filing, they have offered 3D $500,000 to finish the game by December.

Gamespot said that Take-Two needs all the cash it can get after posting a $50.2 million loss last week.

In March the outfit was in negotiations with 3D to renegotiate the 1997 contract to create Duke Nukem. Originally 3D would have got $6 million to complete the game, now it will only get $4, 250 and a fish n chip supper if it ever finishes.

Not much of a motivation, however $500,000 promissory note if everything is finished by December does put a different complexion on things."
God Dammit!

However, according to Broussard there is no way he is going to rush his teams to finish by Christmas.

He said that his outfit had never wanted a $500,000 bonus nor had asked for it.

Broussard said that he was certainly not motivated by that amount of money, after all this time, and getting the game right is what matters.

"I would never ship a game early, even a couple of months, for 500k," he said.
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