
Man of Honour
11 Apr 2003
I've fallen back into the habit of using dumbells, due to injury scuppering my programme. (I was purely following a regime that uses only the self beforehand, and combines body building with fitness.) In the early days before the programme, I used a pair of 7.5kg dumbells for basic exercises. I now find that too easy, especially for my shoulder raises, so I've cannibalised the weights from a spare identical dumbell to the pair I have (lost its twin a while ago, long story) to make them upto 10kg each. It's still not enough, so I've had a look at upgrading them, with a pair each of 12.5kg and 15kg in mind.

That's the background which led me to the site out of the way, now onto what I find amazing: whilst on this website I saw pairs upto 60kg! Who uses those, a bloody yeti?! :eek:

Back to me, a question: it seems to me that my shoulders are leaving the rest of me behind so to speak. I think it's for the simple reason I've done lots of different stuff that has built them compared to other muscles, both since I started my various exercises in the last couple of years, and whilst working beforehand. However, aesthetically this can only been seen when I flex everything, and even then it's not immediately noticeable, I've just been looking for it.

Could this be particularly bad in the future? If I just try to balance future exercise more, can I not worry about trying to make up the difference?
Ah, these heavy dumbells are used for pressing. I don't do that, rather things such as having one in each hand standing, and raise both upto eye level thirty times.

Are the heavy ones also used for normal exercises done standing up, one in each hand? That was what I was having difficulty wrapping my head around, as it would be like having virtually two and a half bags of plaster in each hand, and the average labourer won't carry more than two bags at once using both hands...
Well they definitely exist, and somebody has to use them or else they wouldn't be made & vended...so why not Tank? :)

When I was on my crane course, there was someone mine & Tank's height who had an unusually powerful build. He could push half a tonne with his legs, but I don't know whether he'd have used such dumbells. I wouldn't be too surprised though in his case, although I still wonder if they can be used in quite the same fashion I use my much lesser weighted ones.
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