Dungeon Knight?

23 Jul 2009
Early access Dungeon crawler with several locomotion options, and great reviews on steam.

Anybody here given it a go?
Been on the wishlist for a couple of weeks. People playing it on vrlfg pretty much 24/7, and constant streams of people voicing suggestion on the forum. That would suggest a winner.

The video seems to point to a vanishing realms, gorn type action loot grab.


Picked it up and had 30 minutes with it. The locomotion with the arms is very gorn like, but becomes tedious after a while, because unlike gorn, it's mainly just used to travel over long empty distance and not used as madcap rushing tool. I Soon found myself going to teleport.

The levels are very sparse and empty *normal dungeon*, you'll come across a couple of npc's fight and move on. Fighting wasn't all that connective, the shield did it's job ok, but swinging a sword seemed a bit aimless and non connective. Gorn is being the gold standard, think mele in dead effect 2.

The loot system seemed fairly decent though, but in truth in 30 minutes it's hard to tell how deep it goes.

Id say buy it as cheap as you can, it's very much an early access title being developed by a single guy. While I'm 99% sure there's willing, updates to the empty space need to happen.
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