Dust anyone?

18 Oct 2002
Hi guys,

Took the camera (D50) out today for a few shots of boats and found this mark on all my photos. I've tried both my lenses and the mark is still there so it's not dust on the lens. Does that point to dust on the sensor?
If so how can I clean it?

here's a few example photos.





help Panzer get clear photo's again :(


it looks like a hair. You used 5.6 which would usually not show up dust. You would need to set up to around F8-F22 and shoot at the sky or white wall.

As for removing it I'm not sure. Anyone else got ideas?

Probably right about it being a hair.
Where abouts inside the camera would it be? where should I be looking to clean? I can't work out how it would have got there because the body hasn't been without a lens or a cover since I've had it.

This is a shot of a white wall at F22 and then desaturate and autolevels in photoshop. clearly a hair. :( how do i remove it?


Thanks again

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yeah but where do I physically spray it? if the shutter is closed then I cant get to the sensor. Is there a way to force the shutter open?

Panzerbjorn said:
yeah but where do I physically spray it? if the shutter is closed then I cant get to the sensor. Is there a way to force the shutter open?


Nono no no n o no no not canned air.

Be safe, use a hand air blower. Avoid using canned air because it may contain other stuff that you dont want the sensor to be exposed to.
Look out for something called a 'typhoon blower'. This is a tube on the end of a rubber bulb which just blows 'clean' air into your sensor. DON'T use a compressed air sprayer as these can contain residues which can get trapped in your sensor. Hope this helps :)
You should probably have a 'sensor clean' option in your settings somewhere. Basically moves the mirror up and keeps it there allowing direct access to the sensor where the dust and hairs will be residing. Use a rocket blower to dislodge them. If this doesn't work, you'll need to invest in a sensor cleaning kit (they're only £5-10 but should be used with care)
when i got a bit of dust on my D70s sensor i took it to the nice people at my local nikon pro dealer, who did it for me, free of charge. which was nice of them, dated one of the girls there for a while too...
Panzerbjorn said:
yeah but where do I physically spray it? if the shutter is closed then I cant get to the sensor. Is there a way to force the shutter open?


Go to the Setup menu and select Mirror Lock-up.
This will get the mirror out of the way for sensor cleaning.
I assume it just stays open - i don't own a Nikon.

Don't blow on the sensor (your saliva will destroy the sensor)
Don't use a blowbrush (it will only move the dust)
You need to get a proper sensor cleaning kit and use that (about 30 pounds).
cyKey knows a good one.

Good luck!
Extreme thanks guys.
It was a big hair! I lifted it off with a Q-tip and it's worked a treat :) back to good photos :) Still dont know how it got in there in the first place.

Thanks again to all and thanks to Terras for telling me how to get at the sensor :D

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