Dust in my viewfinder....

26 Mar 2007
I was out shooting yesterday when out of nowhere 2 distinct spots of irritating blackness appeared in my viewfinder.

I've no idea where they came from but its going to bug the hell out of me until I get it sorted.

Any ideas how?
Hi, I see you have a D7000, Ive just sorted the same problem.

I noticed the dust in the view finder but not in any pictures, if you take the lens off and look in and up to the bottom of the prism which the mirror is angled at, I think this it where you will find the dust, I only had one speck, and I'm not sure if this is the recommended method for getting it off but I took a lens blower and just blew it off...

I think you're taking a risk doing this as it could go anywhere

This sorted it.

The debris was properly lodged though and it took about 15 blows of the Rocket Blower to shift it.

Many thanks guys!
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