Dust Solution...?

8 Feb 2007
Hello all,

Im going to buy a new case in the near future and im looking at the antec 900
I expect this case to get very dusty due to the massive airflow and no filters,
so rather than buying cans of compressed air for £5-10 a go i thought it might be a better idea to buy a small air compressor.

Problem is i dont know where to get one from or what i would need (i.e. pressure wise for it to work)

Any one got any ideas, or an alternative solution maybe!?

Get a case with fewer fans seems the obvious choice. You don't need all those fans and they'll just add needless noise. 2 fans is more than enough for most systems. :)
Antec 900's fans on lowest setting are whisper quiet. They do suck in dust, but then again, i havent hoovered for about 7 weeks, and i never dust. Can never be arsed. I use compressed air at work, and take my fans and heatsinks etc in there to clean. It comes out of the compressor at (i think) 6 dar, which is about 90 PSI. though half or even a third of that is adequate. Of course, compressors are VERY noisy. You must know someone who works in engineering. They all use compressors to power tools and connect upto machines.
I have the same prob - xps700 here massive fans and front grille, yet no dust filters. There must be some material you can buy to cut your own custom-sized dust grilles, then mod your case to protect against dust?
the guys above say use tights

in the antec 900 there are holes everywhere for air to come in so you'd have to cover it in them, lol
also they reduce airflow apparently?
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