Dusting inside case

28 Jun 2006
Hello all :)

is it safe for me to dust inside my case with a brush on all my components? I know it can cause static but if I wear rubber gloves will it be ok?
I have done this before and it was fine but thought I would ask people's opinion's this time as it was a while ago I did it and this time around I can't afford to replace parts if I fry them :(

Also the fan on my psu has stopped working so should I replace the psu as I was told its unsafe to open a psu?

Thank you :)
Thanks for all the replies, help and suggestions :)

I will clean it out in the next day or two and post some pictures for you weird dave :D

I will invest in a new psu because its only an antec earth watts 400w one that came with the antec sonata case :(
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Do my voltages look ok?


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