DVD codec?

20 Jan 2005
Hi, at the moment i have two DVD drives in my main PC so i can watch region 1 and 2 DVDs. Haven't watched any for a fair bit though. Came to watch 'Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex' (region 2) yesterday and for some reason all the blacks were messed up. The pixels around any deep "black" blacks are really pronoused and ruin any bits with a lot of black :(

I've tried using NVDVD, WMP and realplayer and they all do the same thing. I'm pretty sure its down to the codec (using the one NVDVD gives - got from the driver CD from my graphics card (7800GT).

Anyone know if this is the cause and any solutions?

Many Thanks
Drive being used is a Sony DVD-ROM DDU1613.

Also just realised it says it is location 1 (1)

The DVD i'm trying to play says 2 PAL. Is this the wrong region or is it me being silly?
Sandmaster500 said:
Also just realised it says it is location 1 (1)
In Device Manager?
Don't worry about that, if you go and look at your hard drive you'll see the same thing, it's to do with what IDE chanel it is on as far as I am aware rather than the Reigon settings.
Sorry I cant answer the actual problem though :p
Apart from ofcourse installing a different codec to see if that is the solution
Hope you get it sorted
Cheers, p4radox told reminded me about that player ealier on and its sorted it out :)

Any idea if it will mean that the DVD will work in WMP and the like also?
Sandmaster500 said:
Cheers, p4radox told reminded me about that player ealier on and its sorted it out :)

Any idea if it will mean that the DVD will work in WMP and the like also?
Nope don't think it would. It would just work for VLC.
I quite like "Media player classic" for DVD playback. Linky

This wont install another codec and should use its in built one.

you could try : http://www.cccp-project.net/ might have a DVD codec in it.

most DVD drive have a change limit of around 5 times unless they are multi region or made multi region. so an addition software might be recomended to help with playing different regions.
For every possible codec you could ever need I would recommend installing the K-Lite Codec Pack here:


This also comes with Windows Media Player Classic (no relation) but you don't have to install it. Personally I have the K-Lite Codec Pack installed but use VLC for playback as it has a nicer interface and just plays things more smoothly I find...
Hi, might aswel use this thread for a little niggle i've got:

When i boot windows (XP pro SP2) it goes onto the log on screen even though i've only got one account. It only went like this after i did a windows update. Anyone know any fixes?

Sandmaster500 said:
Hi, might aswel use this thread for a little niggle i've got:

When i boot windows (XP pro SP2) it goes onto the log on screen even though i've only got one account. It only went like this after i did a windows update. Anyone know any fixes?

OK but this is a DVD thread:confused: Anyway see http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17565564&highlight=control+userpasswords2 , http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17560907&highlight=control+userpasswords2 and here for general info.

It seems as though you may have either installed or upgraded a .net install. It seems that once .net is installed it changes the logon settings.
to make autologon work again..

start, run

control userpasswords2 press enter

untick users must enter a username and password to use this computer and type in your password when you click ok
lol, yer i know its very off origional topic but wasn't worth starting a new thread over.

bledd. - tried that and will test soon.

If it doesn't work i'll have a look over those threads

Thanks very much guys :)
Hi, it kind of worked. It now puts me to a "default" windows account rather than my own one. I'm guessing this is the .net account.

Did anyone else have a similar problem? Any fixes?

go into the control panel thing again

how many users show up there?

it'll default the autologin to administrator, so you might have to manually type in your username..
Start menu > Run > type in (without the quotes) "control userpasswords2" and hit enter > Click your name > Untick "Users must enter a user name..." > Enter password > Restart computer, and voila!
Sandmaster500 said:
Sorted it now. When doing that thing you have to have it highlighted over your user account when you un-tick the box.

Thanks for the help
That's why I told you to click your username - so it would be highlighted. ;)
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