DVD discusion again - linux media

6 Feb 2004
Right running SUSE 10 oss, got the system working with everthing such as xvid mp3 etc...

however i know i need libdvdcss2 or libdvdcss which i can get from the packman reposortorie.

The problem im having is that when using yast to install from the rpm its saying can not find source on medium. Even though the folder thats its in (/home/david/downloads) is on the sources list and being refreshed. Cant install on the root user or normal.


And when i try using Knaptic it either cant find the source or is coming up with loads of conflicts. such as xine.lib etc...

or when i want to install kaffine to use the libdvdcss2 theres a conflict with Kaffine saying i need to uninstall it. :confused:

- on a side note, whats the best kernel to use? default or super user (or any others)

Thanks for taking the time to read all this. :)
funny enough, about 10 mins ago, i tried to download libdvdcss in my ubuntu, get 404 errors, found out those repos are dead
got home, and tried to open KAFFINE it comes up with a report, the only thing it now needs is the libdvdcss or libdvdcss2

im sure i will get it working but u know how it is, i wanted a short cut. so if you have suse 10... im sure some of you have, pls let me know.


- edit - well got it working found a great site:

you will like this one if you want to make a small tv box up.
great info on what program to use etc...

one more question - whats the best kernel to use?
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