dvd options for shuttle

8 Dec 2003
alsager, near crewe
hi guys,

i've got a shuttle SN85G4 V1.

i'm just wondering what dvd drive to go for that will allow the best air flow and will be as noiseless as possible?

my current dvd drive decided it doesn't like cd's any more :(

best value for money please guys:)

thankyou very much for any help you can give me:)
cokecan72 said:
ive got one of the latest LG drives in my SN85G4V3, its a lot shorter than the older version i had and quieter, though no idea how it compares to other makes for noise as ive only ever had LG's

any idea which model mate .. is it really quiet then?
just perchased a LG GSA-H10NBAL drive ...

having a few problems though , doesn't wanna write dvd-r's?

in nero it just shows options as dvd cd/rw ... not dvd/rw .. it also calls it a dvd ram drive...

have you had this problem?

i know it is a dvd ram player, just dont know why it's not burning dvd's .. very strange...

have you found any firmware updates for it?

does yours show dvdrw in nero? mine only says dvd.
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