DVD surround sound systems with PC

1 Dec 2003

Is there a way to use DVD surround sound systems with my PC? I have a great 5.1 set lying around and a PC with no speakers, i cant think of anyway to get it to work so over to you :)

subwoofer, amp, speakers etc
Im not completly sure but it will depend on the input on the back of your surround sound system, if it only has the red and white audio connectors (cant remember what theyre called) then youll only be able to get stereo from your pc by using some standard audio cables. If you have an optical in on your surround setup and an optical out on your pc then you can connect them together with an optical cable and you can get the full glory of DTS and Dolby Digital through the speakers.
yeah. optical out from the pc to dvd if you have an optical output/input.

umm...you can get leads which go from headphone ports into phono ports (the red and white connectors he couldn't remember the name of) which you normaly use for mp3 player or something of the like.

basicly look for unused auido in ports on your dvd surround and plug them up with the lead from your pc.

job done.
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