DVD trade in towards a 360

24 Jul 2003
South East Coast
Hey all,
My friend got a 360 on friday with PGR3, DoA4 and PD0. Simply put I loved it, PGR3 and DoA4 especially really kept my attention. PD0 not so much simply because i'm used to PC FPS's and the controller was just bugging me :p

Basically it has made me desperate to get one, I still only work part time so money is limited. I have roughly £200 cash so I am definately looking for a core system with PGR3 (since I won't have live to begin with I think PGR will last me longer single player than DoA4). We have a gamestation here and I notice they do DVD's preowned, I have close to 200 but obviously want to trade in as few as possible, does anyone with any idea on how much they give for them know how many I would have to trade in to get what I want.

Bit of an odd question really but I just wanna know if its feasible. Obviously the obvious answer is just wait until next pay day but I have a lot going out of that plus a few birthdays etc so not gonna get much left from that.
Not quite sure if u read or I phrased my post incorrectly, but its gamestation and I already have £200. Would I need to trade in the better part of £1000 still for £60 :(
Riiiiiight :D

Going down town today, borrowed some money off my parents which i'm not happy about but saves me wasting my DVD's.

I have £265 in cash, £25 in coppers and silvers (muhaha the bank staff are going to love me) and I am going to take down 25 or so DVD's that I never watch/don't like just in case say a premium is in stock or I see DoA4 pre-owned or something, but I doubt I will trade them if possible.

Wish me luck :)
Right, i'm back with a 360 Core, Memory Unit (Rip off), PGR3 and DoA4.

I had 25 DVD's which I traded in and got dun dun dun £37 pathetic yes but I really wanted 2 games instead of one so i'm happy.

Most disappointing thing was my bank (Halifax) not accepting £8 in 20p's and £4 in 50's and 10's which is ridiculous if you ask me, there a bank for christ sake!

All my money gone now, only enough left for my internet and phone bill plus £8 in pound coins for work to last me the next 4 weeks this previous friday :p
Been playing all afternoon evening with my mate, didn't realise u get a months free of gold with it lol

Was wondering if the RGB cable is a lot better than the standard composite, I can see a lot of jagged edges and 'shimmering' from things on my 28" widescreen. I realise you need HD really but would the RGB cable help a lot (for when I can actually afford it I mean).

My Live nick is r1chUK if anyone wants to add me btw although I don't have a headset so don't expect me to talk back :p
Yea it can take RGB, annoyingly I only bought this TV in the last 6ish months didn't really realise about the whole HD thing.

Managed to get the Media Connect hooked up which is pretty good only problem is it doesn't seem to see any of my movie files, only music.
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