DVD's to Portable HDD - Advise

Pretty certain Handbrake is one of the best free bits of software out there for this.

avidemux is another option, but a friend just brought their HDD to me with their DVD rips of American dad on. They had been ripped as a file type that their tv can't read so I had to convert them all to mp4 files, avidemux for some reason lost the last 7 minutes of each episode. Handbrake did the lot with no issues.
a bit old and out of development now I think, but DVD decrypter is a good one for actually ripping the contents off the DVDs as Raws (doesnt convert to other formats though)
Just copy them to folders on a 3 or 4TB hard drive and put into a cheap NAS box such as the Sharecentre. I have one and can access it anywhere and see it on my TV. Or buy yourself a 3 or 4TB External USB 3:00 hard drive and plug it into your TV if it has USB.

Many ways of doing it that are easier than the others are telling you to do.
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