DVDs to test my Home Cinema

10 Mar 2007
Bought a 5.1 home cinema a couple of weeks back just wired it all up and now want to test it with some decent films.

Recommend me something please?
Ohhh, Star Wars! When I had my 5.1 set up each movie sounded beautiful on them. Brilliant effects. Wasn't OTT either. Subtle ones.
"Cover me red one! Preparing for attack run!"
"Roger that!"
Then you hear the terrifying signature screech of TIE fighters from the back right fading to the back left!

Protoman said:
Saving Private Ryan ?

We have a winner, still hard to find a better test than the opening sequence for a Home Cinema system. Class film too..

Star Wars - The Phantom Menace also has an awesome audio mix on the pod race scene so try that if you've got it. Shame the rest of the film is pants.
Luckily I have both :p I've got a tonne of dvds I can't remember half of them just been routing through seeing what might be good.

David Attenborough's Planet Earth.

The Music - Welcome To Japan and Incubus- Alive at Red Rocks are probably worth chucking in as well.

Just worth it to watch how good Boyd's mic control is; man's a freegin' pimp.
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Well tried Saving Private Ryan & funnily enough cranked open my Band of Brothers box set, both sounded awesome had to lower my 2 rear speakers slightly today.

Today I watched Matrix 3 and that sounded good too...

Just ordered a few concert dvds to see how they sound.
Saving Private Ryan and Gladiator are good as mentioned. Fifth Element is also a good watch/listen for exploiting 5.1, my fave though....

Crank it up and just keep playing the THX intro (not the duff lightning and thunder one)


Pumpkinstew said:
Any of the battle sequences from Lord of The Rings, but the skirmish in Balin's tomb is the one that works best to my ears.

Especially if you have the Special Editions and a 6.1/7.1 System!... Put the ES/EX mix's on!... Stuff Flying at you from every conceivable part of the room!!! :cool:
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