DVLA Advice - Need to change address + Renew photo!

Transmission breaker
20 Oct 2002
In a house
I am looking on the direct gov website, and there are clear processes shown for both updating the address, and also for renewing the photo after 10 years. However, if I want to do both at the same time, has anyone else done this?

I know the DVLA are often thought of as OMG WTF CRAP, and worry about doing more than 2 things are once. Luckily I do not have any extra provisions on my license to lose.

My license expires in December and I really want to find out the best way to address this before then.

I know I can phone them, but as most of you will know, phoning the DVLA and actually finding the right person is often a trial in itself!

So, how would you do it:

1 - Change address, then renew license and photo in two separate transactions

2 - Wait till it expires, and see if they will do the photo and the address change at the same time?

3 - Pay to change the photo, then get the address changed

4 - Just accept that its going to be a ballache and phone them up and waste a lunch-hour+ listening to hold music and generally spend hours getting bumped from one script reader to the next..
Transmission breaker
20 Oct 2002
In a house
I need to do this next month as mine expires, I need to do exactly the same but also would like points etc removing, does anyone know if the points etc come off automatically if the are "spent" or does this have to be paid for?

Good point, i will have a clean license when it comes back.. I assume that this will happen anyway when issued with a new license?
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