Dynamic content

10 Mar 2005
as tittle is this leagal as 1&1 internet is advertising that you can have live content on your website but when its displayed on your site through 1&1 it states at the bottom of the content:

© Copyright AFP Agence France-Presse GmbH - All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or distributed. All reproduction or redistribution is expressly forbidden without the prior written agreement of AFP.
So they're letting you put some kind of news ticker on the site? So long as the copyright holder is ok with it then you can do whatever you want.

I own copyright on X. You're allowed to do anything with X that I explicitly allow you to; in this case, the copyright holders will probably have terms that allow 1&1 to display the ticker on their site (and probably love the traffic/exposure that that gives them).
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