dynamic or static content ?

8 Oct 2005
sitting wondering here what to do with one of my sites, its rapidly becoming a nightmare mostly from the admin area side of things

if i want to add a product i get to choose from around 700 different sizes :eek:
each related size will then have 2 prices/1 image/heavy item charge/weight and a picking list for the grunts in the warehouse, not to mention the 2 different related items lists/parent category/sub category and external links

so i was thinking... i could ditch pretty much all of that and just use static pages built from templates on the back end that way i would never have to worry about insane sql statements/ado errors from googles cache and so on

now i cant see a down side to this, has anyone here built site this way? any potential down falls to this?? or should i continue to give the mysql server a good spanking everytime i need to add a product
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